Wednesday 21 June 2017

Magician shares 6 ways illusion and misdirection can help you get ahead at work

When a magician is on stage, they are the most honest person you'll ever meet. They tell you they are going to fool you, and then they do.

This is the observation of the famous stage magician James Randi, who has made a career out of exposing con-men and "quacks."

In a new book Spellbound, magician and puzzle master David Kwong explores the ideas of illusion and persuasion, and gives the reader tools with which to help them get ahead in their lives. However, he is clear from the beginning that it is not a handbook on how to deceive people.

"I think these principles can be used in a dark way," Kwong told Business Insider. "And I try to arm the reader against con-men like that."


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