Wednesday 1 November 2017

Up, up, up! KiwiSavers get 10-year returns

Not one of the KiwiSaver funds that's passed its first decade has lost investors money over that period, according to a Morningstar report. 

The quarterly report, which is designed to help ordinary investors compare their KiwiSaver provider's performance with others, is the first time Morningstar's KiwiSaver fund report has been published including 10-year returns.

Over the decade to the end of September, the average default fund has delivered per annum returns of 5.4 per cent, the average balanced fund did 5.9 per cent, and the average growth fund did 6.7 per cent.

More than half the KiwiSaver funds Morningstar reports on have now been in existence for over 10 years.


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