Monday 31 July 2017

What Tony Robbins says you can do daily, monthly and yearly to be more successful

Performance coach Tony Robbins has seven clients he works with on an individual basis, and each pay him US$1 million (NZ$1.3 million) annually. Tickets to his intensive seminars can run for a few thousand dollars, and participants get jam-packed days of group and personal training.

There are some aspects of Robbins' method for personal development, however, that don't require hours of discussions and introspection, and they don't cost anything, either.

Robbins shared some of this advice recently in a peek at his "Unleash the Power Within" event, a three-and-a-half day intensive course designed to give participants an action plan for overhauling their lives.

Robbins streamed over an hour of his talk in front of a sold out crowd in New Jersey's Prudential Center over Facebook Live, in which he broke down an annual, monthly, and daily exercise.

* Devotees of US motivational speaker Tony Robbins burnt after walking on hot coals

* Women of Influence: Getting knocked back is a big part of success 

It's worth noting that while you may choose to spend money on the first two exercises, it's totally unnecessary. You can also immediately implement the exercises into your life.


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