Sunday, 30 April 2017

10 award-winning design pieces that caught our eye

When is a chair not a chair? When it's "a way of interaction with furniture".  


Designer Daniella Norling's anti-Scandi stance

OPINION: My great-grandmother Myrtle would spin in her grave. Well, figuratively speaking at least.


New Arrowtown house at Millbrook references simple stone cottages

At this time of the year, the Central Otago landscape is at its most spectacular, thanks to the autumn colours that have us all pining for a place of our own down south.


On the ladder: How can I get on the ladder when I can't afford to rent?

Buying your first home has never been tougher. In this series, Stuff talks to Kiwis who've made it onto the property ladder and others who, by choice or not, are still renting.


Whimsical hobbit house on the lake is 'part frontier, part castle'

While the jury may be out on the subject of themed houses, we think this one has a lot going for it.


The Killers lead singer Brandon Flowers lists his spectacular Las Vegas home

The Las Vegas house of rock star Brandon Flowers, lead singer of The Killers, is on the market at NZ$7.2 million.


Get birds in your garden for pest control

The Kleinpastes have had a dramatic start to 2017. We shifted house, which required many weeks of sorting, chucking and packing. It's a stressful thing, that shifting, especially when you are going to a smaller house with a larger garden. In our new garden, we noticed quite a few jobs-to-do too. The most important one is to bring birds.


Herbs to grow for your favourite global cuisine

No Thai dish would be complete without lemongrass or kaffir lime leaves, while basil, thyme and marjoram are prominent herbs in Italian cuisine. In France, chervil, tarragon, rosemary and sorrel are used in everyday cooking, and in Mexico, epazote, cumin and anise are standard flavourings.Spicy additions are typical in Indian cuisine, including chillies, fenugreek and mustard seeds. 


Could relocatable 'crane-a-homes' solve our housing crisis?

Living in a tiny, relocatable home about the size of a single car park might not be for everybody.


Gardening gurus' greatest fails: Plants I just can't grow

Right plant, right place: it's one of the universal principles of successful gardening. Though some green-fingered optimists take longer than others to learn this lesson, most of us will, eventually, come to realise that there's no point fighting nature and, more specifically, our local soil type and microclimate.  


Historic South Island homestead

Sarah Ayton is an accomplished cook, consummate hostess and keen gardener. So it is little surprise that alongside the ornamental beds in her sprawling country garden at Teddington on the shores of Lyttelton Harbour are substantial vegetable beds and orchards, enough to keep Sarah, husband Philip King and a legion of guests in fruit and vegetables pretty much all year round. 


Wildflowers around the world

1. New Forest, England


Post-quake traffic surge puts Murchison's Sweet Dreams bakery on the map

 A bakery bringing a taste of France to the tiny town of Murchison has put itself on the map within just four months of opening.


Plant a new rose in May

May is the perfect month for planting a new rose. Roses ordered from nurseries should begin arriving this month.


8 plants to buy online from specialist nurseries

Autumn is a good time to plant trees, shrubs and perennials as the soil is still warm and regular rainfall means less irrigation is required.


Garden of the week: Dreamy designer garden in rural Auckland

They say gardening runs in the blood and this certainly rings true for me. The influence of my nana Florinda Lambert pervades most aspects of my home garden and on reflection, has subtly guided my career. She was a passionate and talented gardener.


Q&A: How to get anthurium houseplants to bloom again

Question: When I bought it, my gorgeous anthurium had very large flowers held well above the leaves. It has grown a lot bigger and the leaves are flourishing. It is blooming again but the new flowers have short stems so they are hidden under the leaves.


Q&A: How to prevent brown rot in peaches and other stone fruit

Question: Have readers reported more than usual brown rot on stone fruit this year? Our five-year-old orchard of heritage fruit hasn't had any issues with brown rot at all until this year. Will our trees be affected again next season without being treated or only if conditions are favourable again? 


Homegrown fruit that money just can't buy

There are some things money just can't buy. Some fruit flavours don't survive long off the tree – you have to grow your own and eat them fresh.


Medinilla: how to grow this Malaysian tropical flowering tree in New Zealand

May is always a bit sad for me. It brings the last days of autumn before winter really gets a grip. And Northland's winter is not a time I enjoy


Build a feeder to attract native birds to your garden

You will need:
• 2.4m x 180mm x 19mm untreated pine
• Offcut of 12mm ply – 200mm x 400mm
• 0.5m 10mm dowel 
• Tri corner shelf bracket 63mm
• 2 x 23mm hooks, 2 x 30mm eyes
• Picture wire or similar
• No.8 wire offcuts
• Water bottle to fit  
• Plastic water dish with a lip
• Wire basket – 130mm x 130mm
• 6g x 32mm screws 
• Jigsaw
• Drop saw
• Wood glue
• Drill and bits
• Resene Quick Dry Primer and test pots (I used Resene Jalapeno)
• Wild bird seed, lard, dried fruit, sugar water and an apple
Cutting list:
From the pine: 
• Base – 1 x 590mm
• Walls – 3 x 300mm
• Divider – 1 x 280mm
• Edges – 2 x 160mm x 25mm
• Bottle holder – 90mm x 50mm 
• Perch holders – 2 x 25mm square 
From the ply:
• 1 x 590mm x 170mm
• 1 x 590mm x 150mm 


Plant connoisseur, Julian Matthews, profiles unusual plants

Neomarica caerulea is a Brazilian native which grows like a slender, compact flax but has much gentler foliage.


How to grow and harvest pomegranates

Pomegranates are popular among foodies, with the juice-filled arils from the red fruit often used as a garnish in fancy restaurants. Hailing from the region from Iran to northern India, they've been cultivated in the Mediterranean for centuries. The trees can be very long lived – some for more than 200 years.


Grow garden cyclamen all year round

Even though we garden on a large scale across four hectares at Tikorangi the Jury Garden in Taranaki, the little details are as much of a delight as the big picture.


The flowering tree that took Larnach Castle's Margaret Barker by surprise

We were down in Larnach Lodge recently, the accommodation we've built for guests in the garden at Larnach Castle.


Mary Lovell-Smith recommends stylish echiums for the garden

The Pride of Madeira is greatly underrated. It has many alluring attributes: purple-blue flowers, sage-coloured leaves and a mounding architectural form.


Xanthe White interviews exotic frangipani

The exotic frangipani reveals to Xanthe White secrets gleaned from its far-flung adventures.


Fuchsias and their companion plants

Neil Ross lists the flowers, grasses and shrubs that perfectly complement and contrast with old-fashioned autumn-flowering fuchsias.


Can box blight be beaten?

The future of treasured box hedges and parterres at historic gardens such as those of the National Trust in Britain and at the likes of Versailles may be assured thanks in part to the work of a New Zealand scientist.


Little Yellow Bird allows customers to track garments right back to cotton fields

From cotton fields in India, to an office in New Zealand, Samantha Jones can track her clothing every step of the way.


The big (kiwi) short: currency traders take record bets against the NZ dollar

The New Zealand dollar is being driven lower as speculators make near record bets that new US policies will hurt trading economies.


Resene Paintwise puts three million containers of leftover paint to good use

What happens to your leftover paint? If you are anything like me, there's a growing stack of rusting paint tins in the garage, some of which date back to a previous owner.


Former UK Prime Minister David Cameron finds solace in his garden shed

There's a lot to be said for the man cave. Traditionally, it's a place where a bloke can get away from everything, including politics, it seems.

Former UK Prime Minister David Cameron (below) has swapped the top job for a seat on the doorstep of his new garden shed.

The former leader of the Conservative Party, who stepped down after the Brexit vote – giving Theresa May a shot at PM – called Red Sky Shepherds Huts in January and ordered a garden shed for his Cotswold garden.


37-year-old buys Australian mansion for record-breaking $76 million

The 154-year-old Sydney waterfront mansion that has been in same Australian family for 126 years has been sold to a 37-year-old tech billionaire, breaking all Sydney house price records.


Shipping containers can make great swimming pools

We've seen wonderful and not-so-wonderful houses made from shipping containers, but there are companies that have found other uses for containers, including swimming pools.

Vancouver-based Modpools says the structural rigidity of the containers means they are ideal for relocatable pools, so you can take the pool with you if you move house.


Saturday, 29 April 2017

Recipe: There’s nothing humble about a perfectly roasted chook

There are few dishes more fundamental than a good roast chicken, the basics of which follow two important principles. The first is to never overcook it. Chicken is full of flavour but it has a reputation for being dry because we're terrified of under-cooking it, so we go way too far the other way. If you have to make a trade-off between crispy-brown skin and succulent, tender chicken, go for tender every time.


Vegemite, Marmite, Promite - which is best?

Remember the outcry when Marmite was temporarily taken off the shelves after the Christchurch earthquakes? Love them or hate them, yeast extract spreads are as Kiwi as you can get. While we all have a preference for either Vegemite or Marmite , are there nutritional differences we should be considering? We set out to help by comparing three brands for nutrition, cost and taste.


MEAT film the modern story of the animals we eat

It's hard to believe that someone could make a film called MEAT about the animals we breed, husband, hunt, butcher and devour and not be pushing an agenda. But that's exactly what filmmaker David White has done.


French oak egg, golden eggs, pushing the boundaries of winemaking

In a historic art deco building in Napier sits a egg.


To market, to market: Head for the stalls to find Europe's best foodie deals

"But isn't London just so expensive?!" This question comes up a lot. The short answer is: "Yes, yes it is – most in demand places are." Continental Europe is not much cheaper than the UK for eating out as a tourist. Set menus, plat du jours and Airbnb kitchens can go someway to reduce the holiday food bill, but what really helps is the European love affair with markets and fresh produce. Add to this the street food truck trend and you've got yourself a recipe for savings. Here are some of the must-visit marketplaces.


High incomes, awful finances: People for whom $100,000 isn't enough to live on

Katrina Genefaas, from Rotorua, could teach people who say they're struggling to get by on $100,000 a thing or two.


Budget Buster: Buying bottled water is for brainless buffoons

OPINION: I never used to give much thought to water. All I knew was it came from the tap any time I wanted it in a refreshing and never-ending stream. It's only during the past 10 months of travelling that I've realised how incredibly lucky Kiwis have it.


New Zealand Secret sells skincare at $600 a jar

A New Zealand company is making a play for a slice of the high-end skincare market.


Man seeks 'right' to know why he didn't get government job

Getting turned down for a job hurts, and often the pro forma "We regret to inform you..." letter or email that follows leaves unsuccessful applicants with little idea of where they failed to measure up.


Got a painting project? Use these top 5 tips

Of all the DIY projects you might tackle during your days as a homeowner, painting a room seems like the easiest.


At home in a Dunedin Art Deco gem

Darryl McNamara, owner of Aart Model Management and Aart on St Andrew hair salon, and husband David Horlick, head stylist at Aart on St Andrew, live in Dunedin with dog Georgie. 


Design Space: Anna Begg on why headboards are a must

Every week we ask a Kiwi design expert to tell us what they're loving now and how to use it. This week it's Wanaka's Anna Begg, the owner of The Workroom Interior Design. She talks to us about why headboards should be a must in any bedroom.


At home with Darryl McNamara and David Horlick

Darryl McNamara, owner of Aart Model Management and Aart on St Andrew hair salon, and husband David Horlick, head stylist at Aart on St Andrew, live in Dunedin with dog Georgie.


Friday, 28 April 2017

The best potluck recipes to please the crowds

Potluck can make for some great eating, but it can be fraught too – especially if everyone dumps a bag of salad mix on the table as their contribution.

It's far better for the host to point guests in a certain direction to ensure a balance of dishes.

I also think it's good if some of the food can be eaten by hand, so there's something to nibble on before dinner, and if the food can be prepared ahead and either cooked on the day or reheated.


Marmite or Vegemite? New Zealand has its favourite

Whether you spread it thick or thin, everyone has a preference of their tar-like yeast spread. 


Jeremy Elwood & Michele A'Court: How we can eat our way to world peace

OPINION: Husband-and-wife comedians and commentators Jeremy Elwood and Michele A'Court give their views.


Recipe: Jordan Rondel's passionfruit and lemon friands

I love the exotic flavour of passionfruit and always try to make the most of the short season. When paired with lemon, the tanginess of the passionfruit is enhanced. If you don't have friand tins you can make regular cupcakes.


My favourite space: Wanaka cottage's cosy living room

From the front doormat, Baz and Kate Hastings' visitors can comfortably absorb a full house tour without craning their necks. Baz delights in offering first-time guests a guided commentary as they enter the couple's historic, one-room Otago holiday home.


5 minute gardener: what to do this weekend



Building with the Drents - part 12

Kiwi actor Ido Drent, best known for his role on Shortland Street, shares his journey as he and his wife Mandy build a new house in Auckland and wrangle a toddler and baby.


Sideboards offer more than just good looks

Sideboards are the perfect combination of beauty and function in furniture.


Look twice - serving sizes on nutrition labels might be deceptive

Shoppers are being warned that they may need to look twice at the serving sizes listed on nutritional information labels.


NZIA awards: Best architecture in the Waikato and Bay of Plenty

There's a "rich variety of site, scale and style" in the projects that have won awards in the NZIA Waikato and Bay of Plenty Architecture Awards this year.


Oosh founder taking care of business in the ring

As if juggling 10 businesses and five children wasn't enough of a challenge, a Manawatu woman is also taking care of business in the boxing ring.


After four generations, historic Hawke's Bay homestead is sold

It was 1917 and, with a growing family, the Ormonds of Central Hawke's Bay did what many others would have done – they extended their home.


Interior instagrams we loved this week

It might be getting colder by the day but it seems this week there was a definite theme of living things.


The best of starry night decor

Invite the universe indoors with celestial themed furnishings and objects of beauty.


Rare Art Deco AEPB substation conversion hits the market

Photographer and artist Sally Tagg found the perfect home and studio when she moved into this converted Auckland Electric Power Board substation seven years ago.


ILT set to take first steps in hotel project

The Invercargill Licensing Trust board is pushing ahead with plans for the new $40 million hotel in Invercargill, following on from the public announcement last week.


Bluff businesses struggle with laggy internet and phone service

A Bluff couple are fed up with unreliable internet and say it's making it hard to run their businesses.


From Stratford to Hollywood by motorbike

A winning paint job on a 1955 Chevy Bel Air has seen a small town car painter's work featured in a major Hollywood movie.


When Barack lived in Brooklyn: Obama's post-university rental is now on the market

Brooklyn's Park Slope neighbourhood has had its share of famous residents over the years, but none more so than the fresh-out-of-university political science major who shared a two-bedroom rental in this townhouse.


The lowdown: Cinnamon House Design in Blenheim

If you haven't yet popped into Cinnamon House Design in Blenheim, it's worth a visit. Admire magazine caught up with owner/interior designer Simone Hill.


Thursday, 27 April 2017

Five things you should be doing to organise your kitchen

For a room that is one of the busiest areas of the home, an overwhelming number of us are unhappy with the state of our kitchen. 


Apiti man defends his regional chilli eating title at Palmerston North pub

Seven of Manawatu's bravest souls wiped sodden foreheads and blinked through watery eyes, as they fought for a spot in a national chilli eating competition.


Kiwis shrug off wet summer with overseas holidays

Torrential rain, flooding and an AWOL summer - it's enough to make a Kiwi think of chasing the sun this winter.


Recipe: Sam Mannering's salad of Brussels sprouts and pearl barley with bacon, kale and hazelnuts

I'll never forget discovering how Brussels sprouts grow. I thought I'd find cute perfect little rows… a cabbage patch in Fisher-Price miniature. What I wasn't expecting was alien-looking totems with sprouts protruding like Martian pom-poms. To this day it remains one of those slightly unsettling revelations. In New Zealand the sprouts are removed from the central stalk before they are sold, but in the UK and Europe they generally remain intact.  


Insurance champion wants others to learn from his inspirational father

Peter Cordtz's father died when he was five years old.


Where to find the best affogatos in Christchurch

The beauty of an affogato is that it straddles coffee and dessert.


Janine Starks: Here's how to achieve financial freedom

OPINION: "In war, events of importance are the result of trivial causes". These may be the words of Julius Caesar, but they are stingingly apt when applied to our modern-day lives.


Your choice: That morning coffee or a ticket to London

Just give up coffee, cut down on brunches, spend a bit less on shoes...


Top tips to buy a house at a great price

You've been doing the open home circuit for a while and finally find something you would really like to own. You let the salesperson know you're going to put in an offer... but for how much?


New report shows bank profits up, possible cost increase for customers

New Zealanders could be left with the bill as banks face increasing regulation, a new report into the industry suggests.


Rob Stock: Learning from obese woman's tragic insurance mistake

OPINION: Sometimes people make mistakes which might be laughable, if they weren't so tragic.


Indoor plant takeover - how to know when enough is enough

With the current botanical craze, the more plants you can fit into your room, the more stylish your space.


One big mistake to avoid when renovating or building

In my role as an interior and exterior designer, I see all sorts of new-build homes and renovation projects come and go across my desk.


Milford woos unique designers with centre revamp on Auckland's North Shore

Kiwi fashion designers are being encouraged to consider opening their first retail outlet in a new area of Milford Shopping Centre on Auckland's North Shore.


A Christchurch couple tame a steep Port Hills property

For seven years, the steep section at the top of Huntsbury Hill sat empty, despite its sun-soaked position and views stretching to the city and the ocean.


A Christchurch designer puts the fab back into tired furniture

A bold set of drawers with yellow painted legs and a retro-cool design finish is a standout piece in Christchurch designer Kirstee Griffiths' home. It has had a rock-star makeover, being transformed from a $5 find at an op shop into a funky treasure with a whole new lease of life.


One of Christchurch's most-loved heritage buildings is brought back to life

Mona Vale's homestead looks as beautiful as ever. Sitting on the cafe's terrace, surrounded by flowers and trees, with the gentle trickling of the Avon River and birdsong in the background, it's easy to forget the heritage building has been through traumatic times.


The minimalist garden has been around for generations for good reason

COLUMN: The art of garden design ebbs and flows like the eternal tides.


Bringing magic to the stage through design in Christchurch

In the gender-bending Aussie film, Priscilla – Queen of the Desert, a trio of drag queens sashay their flamboyant way across the outback in an old bus to a pumping, thumping disco beat, entertaining and outraging the locals as they go. The bus is a constant and silent partner in their escapade.


A family business makes, shows and exports furniture from central Christchurch

Allowing customers to take a peek "under the hood" might be a reason Christchurch family-owned firm Montreux Furniture is thriving in the competitive interior furnishings realm. Furniture made at its Barbadoes St factory is meeting a boutique market and filling showrooms in Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch.


A North Canterbury designer twists and bends wrought iron into masterpieces

Rising at 3am to get stuck into bar and restaurant makeovers is just part of life for Flaxton Iron's Glen O'Neill, whose design flair is in demand in the hospitality industry.


New Plymouth restaurants praise customers' honesty

New Plymouth's eateries have been dining out on their customers' honesty - and have no plans to change after a scammer was served up in court.


Cluster flies back in town after storms create perfect conditions for their larvae

Swarms of black cluster flies have been besieging homes around the North Island as they take advantage of perfect hatching conditions.


Child-proofing: Mum of 14 says not every lesson should be learned the hard way

When you want the last word in child-proofing your home, it pays to talk to someone with the right credentials.


Fashion meets interior design crossovers that are hot right now

Style for the human and for the home often walk hand in hand.


The 'homeless billionaire' buys a $65m piece of Hollywood history

For decades, German-American investor and philanthropist Nicolas Berggruen was known as "The Homeless Billionaire".


Wednesday, 26 April 2017

How to make mermaid toast, fairy bread's new rival

Kid's party favourite, fairy bread, is getting a run for its money, with the colourful creation called mermaid toast - a healthier alternative.


Health Star rating system 'may mislead shoppers'

New Zealand shoppers would be able to put more faith in Health Star ratings if they did not allow manufacturers to compensate for having "bad" ingredients by adding more "good", commentators say.


Five of the best game restaurants in Auckland

Bored of the bog-standard beef, chicken, and pork protein most restaurants buttonhole you into selecting these days? Well, spice up your life with a pheasant!


Wellington touted as one of world's top beer towns

Turns out the world's coolest little capital is also one of the best places around the globe to grab a beer.


Marlborough catering company BV Gourment winds down harvest meals

Thousands of meals later a Marlborough catering company supplying good, nutritious food for wine industry workers is winding down as the last grapes come off the vines.


NZ Mint seals $60m export deal to China

Coin maker New Zealand Mint has struck what it believes will be a $60 million export deal to China over the next three years.


A glass of wine to wash down that Grape Debate?

Nearly 200 of the 250 tickets on sale for this year's Colliers Rural Grape Debate are already sold.


Restaurant review: Mexico, Christchurch

I've been warned about hot plates many times. but hot water glasses? That's a first. Actually the waiter was more an apologising than warning. The straight-from-the-dishwasher glasses immediately turned the water in them tepid.


Recipe: Tamarillo and coconut butter cake from the Divine Eats cookbook

I was given Divine Eats for Christmas and ever since I've been enjoying a culinary treat that's become world famous in the Waikato. Divine Eats is a fundraising cookbook for Tamahere Model Country School, near Hamilton. It was compiled to help pay for a new swimming pool and it's more than delivering on this.


Restaurant review: Jack Hackett's Irish Pub in Wellington

Some years ago the Irish tourist board hosted me on what amounted to a two-week pub crawl of the Emerald Isle. It proved highly educational, for as five or six pints were poured down my throat each afternoon and evening, I gradually became acculturated to those frankly difficult bitter, charry notes of Guinness – and to love that fabulously long drawn-out bartender's pouring ritual.


New loft-style penthouse has transformed former Auckland Magistrates Court

Many thousands of Aucklanders will be familiar with this building – the former Auckland Magistrates' Courthouse in Kitchener Street.


The Mother's Day gifts mums don't want you to buy

Retailers will slap the title "perfect Mother's Day gift" on just about anything, but that doesn't make it true.


Marilyn Monroe's Brentwood home for sale

The only home ever owned by Hollywood icon Marilyn Monroe, in the affluent Brentwood area of Los Angeles, is for sale with an asking price of US$6,900,000 (NZ$10 million).


Your home’s top power-saving zones revealed

Cutting your power bill can be as easy as taking a quick tour around your home to discover where you're wasting energy. Once you've made your habits more energy efficient, check you're on the right power plan for a warmer winter with a lighter power bill at the end of each month.


Auckland's best architecture revealed at NZIA awards

Beautiful baches and sophisticated city houses are among the housing winners in the NZIA Auckland Architecture Awards for 2017.


Upstyle files: convert your cabinet to a cool bathroom vanity

Repurposing a cabinet into a unique vanity is the latest upstyling trend for bathrooms.


Eleven best handles, knobs and pulls to update a room's aesthetic

If you're a design enthusiast that is yet to be seduced by a fine looking handle, then chances are you need to take better note of the details.


Is the kitchen work triangle still relevant?

In America in the 1950s, kitchens were invariably a separate room in the house, but already a lot of thought was going into their design.


Kiwi mum talks up a media storm about not child-proofing her home

When Kiwi mum-of-two and blogger Abby Plested of Grey Lynn, Auckland, admitted she doesn't child-proof her home, she had no idea she would create headline news around the world.


The one household chore I cannot bring myself to do

I can't even bring myself to write it down because the mere thought of it makes me feel slightly anxious and also a bit dizzy.


NZ design company's 'Dark Matter' lights up Milan Design Week

Lighting and furniture design firm Resident has been a presence at Milan Design Week since the company was established in 2011 by Simon James and Scott Bridgens.


Ticks, stars and 'no's: What do food labels mean?

When you are racing around the supermarket, trying to fill your trolley before your children go postal, it can be hard to take the time to read product labels.


Cooking below your age range? Here's how to turn slacker food into real meals

Are you still living on cheese toasties, Thai takeaway and pizza? Haven't experimented beyond spag bol?


Secrets to surviving the cafe war

With a glut of cafes due to open in Christchurch over the coming months, many may be facing a fight to the death as they scrap for customers.


Are McDonald's new uniforms the look of Star Wars villainy?

McDonald's in the US has revealed new uniform designs and social media is not lovin' it. The outfits are various shades of gray with lots of straight lines and a boxiness.


Max Key and competitive eater Nela Zisser take on 500 chicken nuggets

Social media gluttons were treated to feast of gratuitous self promotion when competitive eater Nela Zisser teamed up with the former Prime Minister's son, Max Key, in in a bid to devour 500 chicken nuggets between them.


Use crowd power for better electricity deal

New Zealand households are being given the chance to band together to negotiate a better deal on their electricity bills.


Fierce competition fails to scare off Christchurch hospo stalwarts

Fierce competition has failed to put a brake on expansion plans for Christchurch's already crowded hospitality scene. 


Expensive meal plans not needed for weight loss: Nutritionist

New Zealanders are being told healthy eating does not have to mean forking out hundreds of dollars a week for pre-prepared food and meal plans.

Food delivery company My Food Bag has launched a Fresh Start option, aimed at people wanting to lose weight. Each meal is low in carbohydrates, has no refined sugar and is less than 450 calories.


Queenstown Noodle Markets to return next year

Night Noodle Markets will return to Queenstown Primary School next year despite smaller crowds last week compared to 2016.


New Asian styled restaurant to open in Oakura

A couple of seasoned New Plymouth restaurateurs are serving up the third instalment in their collection of eateries and this one has an oriental flavour.


Gorge closure won't shut the Bridge Cafe and gift shop

During school holidays, the Bridge Cafe is normally a thriving spot full of people stopping off for a cuppa and a sandwich.


Disappointing summer affects olive yields

Olive picking on Waiheke Island has now started but elsewhere in the country it's going to be a late and lean harvest.


Hospitality stalwart stays on after selling catering company

Hospitality stalwart Hester Guy may have passed on the torch at her catering company, but she plans to keep her apron on for a long time yet.


Hamilton woman spinning huge yarn with knitting business

Hamilton woman Jacinta Stevenson doesn't like to do things on a small scale. 


Tuesday, 25 April 2017

Mystery burger is sole menu item on North Korean airline

On Air Koryo, North Korea's state airline, flight attendants are known to serve one thing, and one thing only: a burger as mysterious as the secretive country itself.


Auckland woman's growing vegetable bouquet business

An Auckland woman is trying to take a bite out of the floristry market by producing edible bouquets.


The Mediterranean diet is healthy. But is it Mediterranean?

There is the Mediterranean diet. And then there is the Mediterranean diet.


A world-class chef built a $860 pop-up in the Mexican jungle. It might be 'the meal of the decade'

The hottest restaurant on the planet wastes no time making you feel like one of the luckiest diners in the universe.


Military rations converted into gourmet restaurant food by NZ photographer

Soldiers' rations aren't necessarily meant to taste great - they're supposed to keep them fit, healthy and full of energy. 


Thirst for high-end 'craft milk' drives Nelson dairy farmer upmarket

 A Nelson dairy farmer is jump-starting a craft milk industry. 

Seventh-generation dairy farmer Julian Raine's family has been dairy farming for more than 80 years.

The family is now on a mission to bring back "how milk used to be" to the mainstream market.

"We are not highly industrialised, we are kind of the equivalent of craft beer in the dairy industry."


Cafe chat: Combined forces open new cafe

Merging their skills in coffee and food, Christchurch couple Sophie Dewar and Jonny Gudsell have opened a new cafe in the city centre, a stone's throw from Ara Institute of Canterbury.


Cafe Chat: Winetopia comes to the capital for the first time this winter

Rivers of wine will flow in Welly this winter as Winetopia, the nation's largest wine tasting event, comes to the capital for the first time after its sell-out debut in Auckland last year. 


Recipe: Moroccan chickpea stew from Cafe Royale

A hearty bowl Moroccan chickpea stew left a lasting impression on reader Fiona Luhrs.


Review: In Situ Cafe, Christchurch

A taste of… In Situ Cafe, 239 Opawa Rd, Christchurch


Neat places: Christchurch cafes that cater to parents with little ones in tow

Don't let being a parent or carer of a tiny human limit your options for enjoying Christchurch's cafe scene.


Review: Kazu Restaurant, Wellington

A taste of… Kazu Restaurant, 13 Tory St, Wellington.


Recipe: Pan-Fried Salmon with Chia Rice and Horseradish Cream

Following these cook times will leave your salmon cooked medium-rare; it should be dark pink and just starting to flake. If you prefer well-done salmon, continue cooking a further 1-2 minutes each side.


Review: Gulmohar Indian Resturaunt, Hamilton

A taste of… The Gulmohar Indian Restaurant, 851 Victoria Street, Hamilton.


Recipes: Mulled quinces, slow-cooked beef cheeks with quinces and kumara, quince syrup

I have a confession to make. Every year for the past five years I've been extremely excited to see quinces in season (even though our own quince tree is yet to produce any fruit). I buy half a dozen and set them proudly in a bowl in the kitchen, enjoying how their delicate floral perfume scents the house. I very seldom get around to doing anything else quince-related, except berate myself for not using them before they get past their best. This year I've promised myself that it will be different – and I've even come up with the recipes to prove it. They do look pretty in that bowl on the sideboard though.


John Saker: Wine leads the way, pure and simple

I get the feeling that the land – attitudes towards it, how we interact with it – will be a significant election issue later this year.


Meg Daly shares her favourite things about the Waikato

"Phone back when it starts to get dark, she always comes in about then," her daughter tells me.


Recipes: Cauliflower pizza, apple and cardamom snow,

Cauliflower pizzas, though strange they may sound, are deliciously tasty and, like their traditional counterparts, are fantastic vehicles for a multitude of toppings. Your imagination is your only limiter!


The expensive mistakes made by NZ's amateur landlords

Learning landlording skills is tough in a fragmented "industry" dominated by part-timers.


Waiuku toy maker has tools stolen from workshop, community helps him bounce back

Bryan Millar ditched the corporate world to pursue his passion for making toys. 


How to make your home more eco-friendly

It's been nearly 50 years since an estimated 20 million Americans took to the streets, parks, and auditoriums to demonstrate for a healthy, sustainable environment in massive coast-to-coast rallies.


One of Nelson's oldest homes, relocated, neglected and now restored

Hidden up the Orinoco Valley, with windows that look out at Mt Arthur and its surrounding peaks lies one of Nelson's oldest homes.


NZ Chilli Eating Champs to heat up Palmerston North

Turducken chillies are unlikely to be the next big food trend, but they could be on the menu at the NZ Chilli Eating Champs as its organiser looks to turn up the heat for competitors.


Rental properties in far worse condition than owner-occupied homes, survey finds

Rental homes are twice as likely to have poorly-maintained features than owner-occupied ones, according to a new survey.


Monday, 24 April 2017

Good Bitches Baking team spreads Anzac Day sweetness to Kaikoura

The Good Bitches Baking team like to bring a little bit of sweetness and life to an otherwise bad day.


Celebrating the newest foodie event Feast Marlborough

We all know Marlborough's scenery and wine are worth the drive, but what of Marlborough's food scene. Are we yet at a stage where the food experience can be seen as an appetising tourism proposition? Regional event organisers think so.


On the ladder: 1 house, 2 couples, 2 homes

Buying your first home has never been tougher. In this On the Ladder series, Stuff talks to Kiwis who've made it onto the property ladder and others who, by choice or not, are still renting.


Ex-pat Kiwi's bold, bright and botanical living room

On the fourth floor of this 300-year-old London townhouse,  a white front door opens onto a green striped stair runner and a set of tipsy stairs. It is a path into a colourful world.


A Paremata peninsula landmark is on the market for the first time

Auckland-based architect Ian Burrow's iconic designs are characterised by strong, curved geometric forms with imaginative elements such as circular windows and towers.


House of the week: Art deco Wellington gem

When it was new, Bruce and Megan Sedcole's house featured in the 1937 New Zealand Woman's Weekly. Built for a local doctor as his residence and surgery, the two-storey stucco home in leafy Woburn, Lower Hutt, was the last word in art deco style.


House of the week: Architect James Chapman-Taylor's last home

One of Bernadette Poczwa's favourite treasures is a tiny, two-storey porcelain cottage. It belonged to Bernadette's mother, and Bernadette has loved it from childhood. "I always said I'm going to live in a house just like that," she says, cupping it in her hand. 


House of the week: Abby and Dan Plested's open family home

Abby and Dan Plested are the first to admit they like to do things quickly and on a big scale. After seven months of dating Dan popped the question and four months later they were married. Within the next year they'd bought a house, had a baby and acquired a dog.


House of the week: Queenstown home hits the right note

Here's a curious contradiction in the lives and home of the Botherway family.


Indoor plants: A revolution

The 70s – a time when discos, flares, fondue parties and  indoor plants reigned supreme. Never before had our homes been so full of macramé hanging planters, fronds, vines and palms. Now, with 70s style in comeback mode, we're seeing a resurgence of flourishing indoor jungles.


Sideboards offer more than just good looks

"Sideboards are the perfect combination of beauty and function in furniture," says Emma Eagle of Mr Bigglesworthy.


Garden expert: Mother-daughter duo on creating vintage-style bouquets

The seasonal flower movement – using locally grown flowers, rather than imported, mass-produced blooms – captured Zoe Field's imagination in 2011 and took the then 21-year-old and her mother Sue down a life-changing path to a new business. 


Opposites attract: Modern side tables matched with antiques

The sharpest designer tables look right at home with the soft, warm patina of antique pieces. 


Messy drawer: An ode to family history

OPINION: Our homes provide a record of their own evolution in the form of all those things that have survived periodic culls and clean-outs and are still in place after decades of habitation.


Design Space: Alex Walls on how to throw a throw

Every week we ask a Kiwi interiors expert to tell us what they're loving now and how to use it. This week Alex Walls from Alex & Corban tells us why throws are a functional and stylish addition to any room and lets us into a secret about how stylists get them looking perfect.

Do you flick through magazines and see beds and sofas that have perfectly placed blankets and cushions? Do you wonder how long a stylist has had to stand there getting each crease and fold in perfect position?


Pinterest's spring report reveals the home trends that have ruled 2017

Pinterest's latest spring report has revealed the hottest home trends among its 175 million users. 


Sunday, 23 April 2017

Charcoal latte, beetroot latte, lavender latte and five other latte trends

Just when you thought the wellness world couldn't get any wackier, enter the new wave of pastel lattes. Yes, lattes with that super cheesy name, rainbow, among others.


We love Kiwi-owned banks, Consumer NZ survey shows

A greater proportion of customers with locally-owned banks believe they're being paid "competitive" interest on their deposits than do customers of their Australian-owned rivals.


How to put a financial windfall to good use

Receiving a financial windfall can leave most of us in a pickle on what to do with the money. 


Recipe: Seafood coconut broth

In the latest in the Chop Chop series, Cuisine's Ginny Grant shares a fragrant, speedy seafood broth for autumn nights.


Gardening expert Lynda Hallinan's epic watermelon fail

You may think gardening guru Lynda Hallinan could grow anything, but there is one fruit that has slipped through her green fingers season after growing season. Lynda first wrote of her frustrating attempts to grow watermelon in the April issue of New Zealand Gardener. 


How to winter-proof your home

As winter starts to bite, we've rounded up some of the latest, cosiest products on the market: from gas-fired hot tubs to Himalayan cashmere duvets.


Expat style file: From Victorian bombsite to a modern family home

When Kirsten Lapham's mum walked through the front door of the bombsite that would become her daughter's London home she reflected that "this is the type of home where you would walk in and then walk straight back out".


Garden of the week: A subtropical haven on Auckland's North Shore

Gardens that create a sense of wonder are rare in our cities, where big houses and tiny outdoor spaces are increasingly the norm. But Rod and Lesley Slater's garden on Auckland's North Shore is such a place. When you open the gate you enter a verdant world where native birds flit between tall palms and kauri underplanted with bromeliads, ferns and other lush subtropicals. Floating timber steps link to boardwalks that flow down the slope towards a beach with views to Auckland city, or to the house and its outdoor terrace, which is surrounded by beautifully constructed stone walls. 


Wellington company OneNineFive expands to accommodate spike in travel incentives

Tucked away in a bustling New York clothing store is an underground whiskey bar you access from a secret door in the changing rooms.


The best traditional New Zealand baking recipes revisited

My lovely mum is Dutch by birth, so as I was growing up she did her best to master the Kiwi classics - and I have fond memories of arriving home from school as she pulled fresh baking out of the oven.

I had great fun reinventing some family favourites, starting with the luminously pink, mile-high lamington cake – I would have loved to have seen that at a school fair!

The ginger crunch tart is an elegant take on the regular slab cut; the softer-than-usual Anzac biscuits yield to the homemade boysenberry ice cream within; while the caramel slice cream is so wildly decadent, only tiny portions are needed.

A big slice of the louise cake-cake with a whisper of whipped cream, meanwhile, goes wonderfully with a pot of tea. Enjoy!


Do you want to know where your food comes from?

Submissions are open on a bill that would introduce country-of-origin labelling on single-ingredient food, and bring New Zealand into step with its major trading partners.


Hash browns in US recalled for possibly containing golf ball pieces

Shoppers in some states in the US who are keen to buy some hash browns should be wary - they may have bits of chopped up golf balls in them.


McDonald's say 'neigh' to horses through the drive-thru

A horse is a horse, of course, but unfortunately it's not a car - and two enterprising Auckland women who rode horseback into a McDonald's drive-thru were refused service. 


Saturday, 22 April 2017

Jackson Estate opens new winery and cellar door modelled on 1850s-style settler's hut

They call it collision architecture, a boutique winery in Marlborough wrapped around an 1850s-style settler's hut conceived by the art director of The Hobbit trilogy.


Elvis Presley's former home damaged by fire

A Memphis home once owned by Elvis Presley has been damaged by fire reports The Telegraph.


Purple reign - long live the most royal colour of them all

Attributed with properties of mysticism and royalty, purple is colour both romantic and bold.


At my place: Life and style blogger Abby Plested's family home

Abby Plested's house in Grey Lynn, Auckland, is always open for visitors. "People like to come around here because it's so stable and comfortable," she says. 


At home with The Chills' frontman Martin Phillipps

Martin Phillipps is the frontman for Dunedin band The Chills. He lives in Tainui, Dunedin.


Clothes trading post Designer Wardrobe looks for Aussie conquest

An Auckland-based web business which lets people buy, sell and rent designer clothes is looking to take its successful formula across the Tasman.


Recipe: Sam Mannering's blue cheese, pear and pecorino tart

I always have what most people consider to be too much cheese in the fridge. I suspect it drives the others in the house insane, but I refuse to throw any out because it will always come in useful for a recipe like this. 


Recipe: Jordan Rondel's double layer carrot and pecan cake with nutmeg icing

This impressive carrot cake is loaded with sultanas and crunchy pecans, and laced with warming spices. The nutmeg cream cheese icing, which is generously slathered between the layers as well as on top, is sweet and comforting.


What is the best tomato soup? We put three leading brands to the test

Canned tomato soup - staple of camping trips and Sunday 'tea' (with soldiers) - has stood the test of time, despite competition from a multitude of other flavours and options. But with several players on the market, how do we know which is best? Should we consider nutrition as well as taste?  We set out to help by comparing three leading brands for nutrition, cost and taste. 


Leah McFall: A chilling realisation

Hey! Do you want to know how well-bred you are? Then open your fridge.


Experts reveal why baking is so good for the soul

Whether it's a plate of biscuits or a basket of muffins, countless Kiwis enjoy gobbling down freshly made baking.


Millennial's technology money desires

It's a little bit James Bond, but "double O" Millennials want to pay for things using only their finger prints.


Budget Buster: Don't miss out on your free Government cash

OPINION: It's coming up to that time of year when the Government starts handing out big wads of cash for no good reason. I promise this is not a wind-up. If you're in the dark, you're not alone - over a million New Zealanders are missing out on the lolly scramble.


Here's how to get to the truth about what you eat

A consumer watchdog is calling for better monitoring of potentially misleading food labels and packaging that tricks customers into thinking the products they buy are better for them than they really are.


Want to live til you're 90? Better live like a life insurer

The life and health insurance industry used to be an unhealthy industry to work in.


Review: What Starbucks' Unicorn Frappuccino is really like

REVIEW: Imagine a frappuccino so intense it causes Starbucks baristas to have meltdowns.


Starbucks barista has meltdown over Unicorn Frappuccino

A Starbucks barista has taken to social media hoping to make orders for the coffee chain's much buzzed about Unicorn Frappuccino disappear.


Friday, 21 April 2017

With tears, tattoos, Prince fans remember him a year later

For Prince fans, the one-year anniversary of his shocking death from an accidental drug overdose is a time for sadness and celebration.


My favourite space: Casual coastal living room

Vanessa Owen treasures her home's casual, drop-in vibe. Occasionally someone will pop in when no one's home and leave a message on the blackboard at the entrance to the waterfront Kerikeri villa. One message read: "Couldn't wait, but had a cup of tea and did the dishes," says Vanessa.


Changing landscape for Master Builders

Apartments and townhouses will feature more in this year's House of the Year competition because they are expected to account for an increasing proportion of new residential builds by the end of 2021.


It's more than just taste: The new science of eating

The "pleasures of the table", according to Oxford University gastrophysics researcher Professor Charles Spence, reside in the mind, not in the mouth.


Building with the Drents: part 10

Kiwi actor Ido Drent, best known for his role on Shortland Street, shares his journey as he and his wife Mandy build a new house in Auckland and wrangle a toddler and baby.


Latest trends in metallic homeware

Metallics add a sophisticated touch to any interior and their reflective quality brings light to a room. Interiors experts are picking a move to more subtle, buffed metallics, and a move away from super-shiny, bolder metals.


A Paremata peninsula landmark is on the market for the first time

Auckland-based architect Ian Burrow's iconic designs are characterised by strong, curved geometric forms with imaginative elements such as circular windows and towers.


5 minute gardener: what to do this weekend

Harvest apples, pears, grapes, quinces and nuts – before the birds get them.


Building becoming a cheaper option for people wanting their first home

With house prices surging, building a home has become a more attractive - and for some, a much cheaper - option for getting a foot on the property ladder. Matt Stewart reports.


'Out of your league': The house types reimagined as Tinder matches

Buying a house can be as big a commitment as getting married, so it's no surprise that looking for a house can feel a lot like dating.


Blockchain could cut real estate costs by streamlining transactions

Blockchain could be the solution that gives New Zealand a more efficient, streamlined system of retail transactions, one academic suggests.


Technical issue sees credit cards 'swallowed'

ANZ customers who tried to use their credit cards in ATMs had a nasty shock on Thursday night and Friday morning.


Recipe: Greens and feta cob loaf

Here I've taken a retro classic and lightened it up slightly. I used silverbeet, but any combination of wintry greens such as spinach, kale or cavolo nero would work. Make the filling and hollow out the bread the day before.


Australian banks cut sales targets, NZ expected to follow

The Australian parents of New Zealand's big four banks are pledging to overhaul the bonus structure paid to their staff.


Recipe: Butternut & miso turnovers

These little turnovers are good for a crowd, and the pastry is surprisingly flexible in that it can be re-rolled yet is still flaky. You could also make these using bought puff pastry.


Recipe: Chicken drums with spiced tomato & cumin yogurt

This is a rather saucy dish, which I like for soaking up rice or bread, but it also helps keep the chicken moist – especially if you are reheating the dish the next day.


Mince and Twisties three ways pie

This recipe was developed a million light years ago at boarding school.


Meet NZ's newest sake guru: 'I want to serve experience'

The student has become the master, master of sake that is. 


Starbucks' Unicorn Frappuccino tastes like sour birthday cake and shame

Most people think of unicorns as cuddly-cute magical rainbow sparkle horses, right?


Recipe: Moroccan-style cooked carrot salad

This is lovely served either straight after being made or later, at room temperature.


Recipe: Pork and kumara casserole

This is a simple, comforting dish that needs to be started a day ahead.


Chickpea paste for breakfast? Yum

I've concocted a chickpea breakfast that gets me some very strange looks, but everyone who tries it loves it.


How a $30 fine became a threat of jail

My name is Andrew and I am a fugitive from the law. By the time you read this, I may well be in jail. Although I have managed to hide from the police for almost 18 months, it seems that they have finally tracked me down.


Recipe: Ginger crunch tart with crystallised ginger

Who says ginger crunch has to come in squares? This twist on the classic recipe makes for a beautiful, quirky version of a Kiwi favourite.
